Saturday, February 24, 2007

Who Else Wants To Know How Professionals Convert Their Images To B&W?

Hi, my name is Mike Van De Carr. I'm a professional portrait photographer who specializes in B&W images. People come back to me time and time again. They give me tons of referrals, and continue to pay top dollar for the images I create for them.
Here I will offer you exactly what I use to make a great living. I put these, easy to use and very flexible actions together so I can save time, get more work done and spend more time with my family.
YES!!!, These actions are extremely flexible and you can do much more with them then you see here. I know this because I have been using them for years and create many fantastic results with nothing more then what you will see here.
Right Now, Check Out A Few Examples!!!
Gentle B&W

Old Sepia

Sweet B&W

60's B&W

Some of my friends, who are also photographers, said I should sell these for $25 each or $100 for the set of all four. BUT......I'm a full time photographer, I already make a great living and I know many of you want to do the same thing.

I also know many of you would like to achieve the same results that we do, but don't have a ton of money just laying around to get everything you want. So, here is what I finally decided to do.

You can have the whole set of all four actions for only $25

Obviously, I'm not trying to get rich here. Not to mention, I'm a heck of a nice guy, too. So, I'll also give you four storyboard templates that I use regularly. All you have to do is resize your images to the recomended size and drag them onto the template. It's really that easy!!!

  • The first one is a 10x20 that displays four 4x6 images
  • The second one is an 11x14 which displays an 8x10 and three 4x6's
  • Next is an 8x10 that displays three 3x5's
  • And finally, is a 10x20 that displays three 5x7's

Here is what you need to do. If you want this Professional Action Package just send $25 to using Paypal and as soon as your payment comes through I will email everything to you within 24 hours.

Actually, it'll usually be a lot quicker then that unless I'm sleeping!!!

If you have any questions, you can click on the email link above and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you sometime soon now.


Mike Van De Carr

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